Monday, December 20, 2010

Yard [001] : Curtain Raiser

Dear Friends,


Today’s global villagers seem to be taking to Yoga like fish to water. This is not surprising as, after all, who would not want their body to be strong, supple and shapely? Their intellect to be enhanced, evolved and enriched with the Supreme Knowledge? Their mind to be balanced, blissful and full of bonhomie? To maximize happiness and get the most out of their lives?

Edutainment (Education in an Entertaining Way) is the future. Therefore, I will strive to make these mails interesting by mixing Yoga principles with real-life experiences, anecdotes, examples and indeed poetry from my verse creation “Wisdom Management”. (Mr Anand Mahindra has kindly given a glowing foreword to this book!). Each article or mail will address a specific fundamental concept in Yoga and will not spill over an A4 size paper if printed.

We will discuss all aspects of Yoga. The eight facets (Ashta Anga). The main types such as Yoga of Knowledge, of Action, of Meditation, of Surrender. We will base our contents on the most original sources such as the “Bhagwad Geeta”, Sage Patanjali’s “Yoga Sutra”, “Gherand Samhita” and “Ha-Tha Yoga Pradeepika”. We will also leverage work of contemporary authorities ranging from Deepak Chopra to the great Power-Yoga exponent Beryl Bender Birch. We will understand the principles and see how to customize them, depending upon our individual constitution, for integration into our daily routine. Like in other walks of life, there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution.

The only thing we cannot possibly cover here is the physical demonstration and practice of various postures, breathing and meditation techniques.

I am acting merely as a postman. So please attribute all the benefits you will get from this knowledge to the Creators of this Science rather than the messenger. I, however, take full ownership of any “noise” that may get created in acting as a medium to deliver these messages. Hence I am tendering a thousand apologies up-front.

Why am I doing this? Is my plate already not full? Am I not having tough KRAs? Very much! But just like KRAs for IDU and SBU, I think there are also KRAs for the organization and beyond. This is a humble attempt to meet some of those.

Secondly, having personally benefitted so much from Yoga Shastra, I think it is time to pay back. And what can be a better way to pay back than by spreading it for the benefit of others? But there is tonnes of literature available on the subject. Yoga “experts” are dime-a-dozen. What ghost of a difference do I have the chance of making?

A man was walking along a beach throwing back into the sea fish washed ashore so they could live again. A friend of his came along and observed, “For several thousand years, millions of fish have been washed ashore across seashores all over the world. This will continue to happen for the next several thousand years. How does your throwing a few back into the sea make a difference?” In answer, the man picked up a struggling fish, threw it back in the sea, saw it swim away and said, “See? It made a difference to that one.”

Last but not the least, you will agree that the most beautiful face in the world is a happy, healthy, progressive and smiling face. If these articles can go some way in bringing smiles to faces around, the effort would be worth it.

Therefore, I complete the act of raising the curtain by humbly bowing to this Science of Sciences and praying to Almighty –

“God, I request you with all the humility
Bestow upon my articles, unprecedented quality
For, with a single purpose, I have taken up the ploy
These articles should bring the readers unparalleled joy”

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