Sunday, January 23, 2011

Yard [003] : Look Who's Watching

Dear Friends,


“A thought seeds the tree of action

Bearing fruits of result as the logical reaction

The one who understands this the best

Can indeed reap a rich harvest”

Last Tuesday, we saw how our thoughts shape our destiny and hence the importance of being able to direct our thoughts. Now we will see how we can, with some determination, training and practice, actually do it.

But before we learn the technique, let’s imagine the unimaginable! Let’s visualize a scenario where our TechM offices operate without any Security cover whatsoever! What will happen in such a case?
1.       Far many more people – most of them unwanted - will keep coming in and going out
2.       Some of them may misuse the office space for personal/malevolent purposes
3.       Some of them may intentionally or otherwise damage our property
4.       Some of them may even steal equipment on which our business runs

In short, it will become impossible for us to provide software services to our customers.

So what do we do? Simple! We station Security Guards/Watchmen at all the entrances. We equip them with modern technology. We provide them with tools to do their job effectively. Last but not the least, we ensure that this vigilance is kept round the clock.

Now what will happen? By the mere sight of gun-toting Guards, 90% of the unwanted trespassers will refrain from entering the office premises. For this, the Guards don’t have to do anything but just stand there watching people. Even the 10% of the unwanted crowd, that may still dare to come in, will hardly be able to cause any damage under their watchful eye!

However, the Guards cannot just remain passive. Because baddies are also smart. Once they figure out that the Guards are mere scarecrows, they would immediately go about their anti-social business. Furtively, under the guise of a well-meaning employee or even more blatantly!

Therefore the Guards have to not only be well-equipped and keep the surveillance but also swing into action from time to time and put their tools to good use!

Only then can we hope to run our business smoothly, peacefully and prosperously.

The same applies to the well being of a country or a society. If we were to sum up the total cost of resources being deployed worldwide to ensure this, we will simply lose count of zeroes the figure will contain. And still we all live in a very unsafe world where, God forbid, any atrocity may happen anytime. We may call having guided missiles as ‘progress’ but we still have misguided individuals! With them around, it’s almost like sitting on a volcano not knowing when it will erupt!

Why have things come to such a pass?  We seem to have overlooked the fact that the security model that applies to organizations, countries and societies, applies to each individual also. The property to protect in case of an individual is his or her ‘mind’. Thoughts enter mind like people enter an office. Our five senses are the entrances through which these thoughts primarily enter. Like people, there are good thoughts and bad thoughts. If an individual does not play the role of a Security Guard to keep harmful thoughts at bay, they may simply run amok and destroy the mind. Just like you cannot run a business through a ruined office, you cannot manage your affairs through a mind whose welfare is severely compromised!

So the trick is to ‘play the Guard’, ‘play the Watchman’. Just observing your thoughts would automatically keep 90% of the harmful thoughts away. (Try it for 5 minutes and judge for yourself. The proof of the pudding is in eating it.) To keep the remaining 10% away – frisk, intervene, do not allow entry!

“Thoughts by nature are extremely shy

If you step out and just observe them

They will retreat and hasten to fly

Rather than creating unwanted mayhem”

But what is a good Watchman without the tools to keep rowdies out of sight? Fortunately, all of us have a very powerful - almost foolproof - tool available at our disposal. If it has got dusty and rusty due to lack of use, no worries! We need to just start using it, it will get sharper and better automatically. And will it keep our mind in its original pure, tranquil, blissful state!!

Let’s check this tool out in the next article so that we will be all set to control our thoughts and shape our future!

“The secret of life full of harmony

Is always being in Good Company

What better company to be sought

Than the company of a Noble Thought”

So long…

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