Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Yard [009] : Misconceptions Galore

Dear Friends,


In our foregoing heart-to-hearts, we have discussed the story of an elephant where

“Six blind men feel an elephant

They quarrel and describe it different

It takes a man with normal sight

To swear that each one of them is right”

When it comes to Yoga, the story is no different. People have their own perception that may either be limited or – in the worst case – incorrect! Everyone thinks that he or she is right from his or her point of view. That may indeed be so in the world of Relative Reality. However, we cannot leave it at that. In order to resolve the conflicts among these differing points of view and garner full benefits from this logical (yet magical) science, we need to look at it objectively and, indeed, absolutely. (Remember the three levels of Reality we talked about earlier?)

We need to understand the whole elephant to know which of its parts is being described at a point in time. We need to see the entire jig-saw puzzle - properly constructed - to know which piece fits where and the pieces that do not belong!

To understand what Yoga is, it is imperative to understand what it is not. Because, we cannot fully comprehend ‘addition’ unless we understand ‘subtraction’ as well. We cannot judge a coin by looking at just one of its sides. Even in our profession, while defining the scope of a proposed project, do we not explicitly write down not only the inclusions but also the exclusions?

So here are some ‘popular beliefs’ (alas, myths) about Yoga:

·         Yoga is all about Pretzel Positions, Breathing and Meditation. Unless we can tie ourselves into knots (literally) or ‘bend it like an acrobat’ or hold our breath and meditate for hours, we cannot progress.
·         If we follow Yoga, it will hamper or even stop material progress. And there is no guarantee that there will be spiritual progress either. So we will end up being neither here, nor there!
·         To become a Yogi, we have to renounce everything including our possessions, responsibilities, family and the worldly pleasures. We have to grow a beard, wear orange robes and head for Himalayas.
·         Main objective of Yoga is to acquire supernatural powers using which we can perform stunts and Black Magic. So unless we are able to perform some ‘miracles’ not achievable by mere mortals, we cannot consider ourselves to have ‘arrived’.
·         Yoga is not for everyone but to be practiced only by a certain religion. Even among them, it is the privilege of only those people who belong to the upper castes. Even among people belonging to the upper castes, Yoga is limited only to the male folks.
·         Yoga may be a good pastime which should be taken up (only if we have nothing better to do) after retirement from active life. It is certainly not worth the trouble for ‘busy’ people like us.
·         Yoga is not flexible. It allows no compromises. It has very stringent practices which are very difficult to implement in our daily routine. Hence even if we wish, it is almost impossible to do Yoga!
·         We should do Yoga part of the time - for two to three times every week and for a few minutes in each session.
·         Yoga’s teachings are outdated and impractical. Modern life has no place for Yoga. It’s simply a waste of time and energy.
·         We must all be strictly vegetarians to be able to do Yoga.
·         Yoga dissociates us from the Real World. It drags us away from Life and its Excitement, Challenges and Enjoyments. It is all about escapism from taking bull by the horns and living life to the fullest! If you happen to walk on the Yoga path, you would miss the bus forever!!
·         Yoga is bunk! If you are healthy, you don’t need it. If you are sick, you shouldn’t do it!
·         Yoga needs Herculean effort! It is to be admired, not done.
·         Hence Yoga is not for “normal” people. It is only either for the superhuman type who can hang in the air and walk on water or for the eccentrics, ascetics, masochists and sadists!

Nothing under the sun can be farther from the truth!

In the next article, we will see the reality hidden under these misconceptions. This will set the right context for us to take the next steps in our journey.

And, as promised, those next steps will throw light on what Yoga truly is. The basic definitions. The fundamental concepts. Various limbs or components of this great science. Different Yoga types. The works!

Thanks for your patience and being with me so far.

Take good care of yourselves…

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