Thursday, February 17, 2011

Yard [010] : A Big Boon

Dear Friends,


Having briefly seen what Yoga is not, let’s now explore what it is all about. We will begin by looking at the truth behind the myths we discussed last week/in last post Yard [009]: Misconceptions Galore.

  •   Yoga is not *only* about Pretzel Positions, Breathing and Meditation. It is a Way of Life and as such touches all aspects of human life. As we shall see in more detail later, Yoga consists of eight limbs viz., Value System, Discipline, Postures, Breath Control, Sense Control, Concentration, Meditation and Blissful Existence. There are four major types of Yoga viz., Yoga of Faith, Yoga of Action, Yoga of Knowledge Acquisition and Yoga of Knowledge Internalization.
  • Yoga does not stop material progress but *accelerates* it. At the same time, it also accelerates our evolution and propels us in the direction of our eventual destination – to be one with the reservoir of Joy. Just like a catalyst facilitates and expedites a chemical reaction. Simply put, it is a faster, better, cheaper and surer means of having our cake and eating it too!
  • To become a Yogi, we have to renounce *nothing*. Yoga can be practiced in any attire, at any location, anytime and has nothing to do with physical appearance, social status, wealth and power a person may legally and ethically acquire while discharging worldly duties. In fact, the worldly possessions are best enjoyed within the Yoga framework as there is very little chance of going over the cliff!
  • Main objective of Yoga is *not* to acquire supernatural powers but become ONE with BLISS. As we advance on the Yoga path and get closer to our destination, our faculties (body, mind and intellect) do become so very fine-tuned that sometimes we become capable of performing apparently superhuman or supernatural feats. However, these extraordinary capabilities - or “Siddhis” as they are called in the Yoga jargon - should be looked upon merely as a bonus, as nice scenery passing by in our journey to our destination. Otherwise we run the risk of getting distracted and not reaching our destination!
  • Yoga is *very much* for everyone. It is completely religion neutral, gender neutral, age/profession/physical prowess/social status/any-other-thing neutral. If you are a human being, you qualify.
  • Yoga is not something to be taken up after retirement from active life but at the *very start of adolescence*. No use bolting the stable doors after the horses have fled! We cannot be too ‘busy’ to be Happy. We cannot be too ‘busy’ to be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.
  •  Yoga is *exceedingly simple* to implement in our daily routine, every step of the way. All we need is firm resolve, right guidance and sincere effort! In fact, with this combination, it becomes difficult to spend a moment *without* being on the Yoga path.
 Once, a devotee - much puzzled at Saint Meera Bai’s ability to always be in meditative state - posed a question to her, “How do you manage to never forget God?” Pat came the reply in the form of an equally puzzled and sincere query, “How do you manage to ever forget God?”

Once we overcome the inertia and get on the Yoga path, it becomes very difficult to deviate from it. Thus can we make inertia work for ourselves!

  •  Yoga’s teachings are *timeless*. Yoga, with its potential benefits, is all the more relevant in Modern life.
  • Yoga *connects* us to the Real World. It enables us to make the most of Life and its Excitements, Challenges and Enjoyments. It is all about taking the bull by the horns and living life to the fullest! You might actually be missing the bus if you *don’t* happen to walk on the Yoga path!!
  •   Yoga is *not* bunk! We can crawl and slither our way to the destination or we can take a chartered flight! The choice is entirely ours!!
  •   Yoga *hardly* needs Herculean effort! It is not just to be admired, read or talked about. It is to be done, experienced. If someone has never tasted sugar, (s)he will never understand what “sweetness” means and hence not ‘believe’ in it, no matter how much we try to describe it. The key is in tasting it. Once the sugar is tasted, the same person will never forget what “sweetness” means. Similarly, unless one reaches out, tries sincerely and experiences “Yoga”, it is futile to describe its benefits. However, the same person, after walking only a few baby steps on the Yoga path, will not be deterred by hail or high water in the quest to become one with Joy. The proof of the pudding is in eating it.
·         Hence Yoga is *a great boon* for all the (including “normal”) people, for the entire humanity itself!

God bless…

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