Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yard [028] : Elements of Sadhana

Dear Friends,


In the last article, we got introduced to “Sadhana” – regular practice of which makes us the veritable “Rock of Gibraltar” long before we attain our final goal of being totally happy under all circumstances!

In this discussion, let’s shed some light on the elements that constitute this “Sadhana”. This will help us to customize it to our needs and integrate into our routine.

Remember, our aim is to acquire total fitness at four levels – social, physical, intellectual and mental. Where do these levels come from? As human beings, we possess Body, Mind and Intellect as our essential faculties. Also we know, “No man is an island”. Hence we need something that will forever keep us in the pink of health, emotionally stable, intellectually sharp and socially acceptable. This will then pave the way for achieving an even bigger – the ultimate – goal of being totally happy.

This is where the (following) elements of “Sadhana” come to our help:

1.       Yogic Lifestyle:
Integration of our ‘self’ with external world has direct link to social fitness/acceptability and indeed to all other types of fitness. Appropriate lifestyle plays a key role in our self’s integration with environment. This starts with having a positive outlook, constructive thoughts, good value system (“Yama”), benevolent communication with external world and disciplined behavior (“Niyama”). Yogic Lifestyle also consists of enjoying moderate and high-quality activities, diet, rest and recreation.

 Acceptance of an individual by the society is also dependent upon his or her contribution in making this world a better place, performing duty in ‘larger’ interests at all times (following “Swa-Dharma”). In fact, “Swa-Dharma” is such an important aspect of a fulfilling lifestyle that we will discuss it in more details in the forthcoming articles!!

2.       Exercise:
Exercise has direct link to physical fitness and indirect link to all other types of fitness. Whilst there exist innumerable ways to exercise our body, Yoga Shastra recommends regular practice of “Asana” (postures) and “Pranayam” (breath/life-force control) to fulfill our body’s exercising needs. The most basic type of all-round Yogic exercise is called “Surya Namaskar” (Sun Salutations) while “Power Yoga” is recommended for advanced practitioners. The importance of Yogic exercises cannot be overstated in keeping human body superbly conditioned like a well-maintained and slick sports car!

3.       Knowledge Acquisition:
Knowledge Acquisition has direct link to intellectual fitness and indirect link to all other types of fitness. Continuous acquisition of knowledge leads to purification of our conscience. Whilst there exist innumerable fields about which knowledge can be acquired, according to Yoga Shastra, there are two main categories in which entire knowledge can be categorized. Knowledge about everything that changes and knowledge about the only thing that does not change – ever! In other words, knowledge of the Relative Reality and knowledge of the Absolute Reality. In other words, knowledge of the Environment and knowledge of Self! First category is important for our short term goals - day-to-day survival and sustenance. Second category is important for our long term goal – being totally happy! All knowledge is acquired only through “Abhyas” or “Nididhyas” (regular and conscious study). Yoga Shastra recommends practice of “Pratyahar” (sense control) and “Dharana” (concentration) to facilitate acquisition of knowledge. The message is clear – keep learning!

4.       Meditation:
Meditation has direct link to mental/emotional fitness and indirect link to all other types of fitness. Whilst there exist innumerable definitions and methods of meditation, according to Yoga Shastra, meditation finally boils down to training our mind to always remain in the Absolute Reality that exists in the present moment. Yoga Shastra recommends regular practice of “Dhyan” (meditation) so that this becomes natural and habitual (the state of “Samadhi” or bliss). Unfortunately, majority of the people live in Relative Reality majority of the time. Unfortunately, most of the people live either in the past or in the future most of the time. This gives rise to all the dis-ease, discomfort and sorrow as we know it. Meditation is the best way to get rid of those ripples on the pond that our mind is and achieve Yoga! (Remember Sage Patanjali’s definition of Yoga? “Yogah Chitta Vritti Nirodhah – cessation of unwanted thoughts/emotions is Yoga”.)

Thus, if we aspire to become invincible in the battlefield of life, here are the four questions to contemplate before going to bed every night:

  Did all my activities today lead to the betterment of this world including myself?
  Did I practise “Sun Salutations” or “Power Yoga” today?
  Did I add to my knowledge base today?
  Did I use the spare moments I had today to meditate?

Depending upon the ‘standard’ we belong to in the school of life, the time/energy distribution across these will vary. However, if ‘total fitness/happiness’ is indeed our aim, then there is no escaping DAILY PRACTICE of all four elements of Sadhana.


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