Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yard [0056] : Just A Matter Of Time

Dear Friends,


We are on a great trip! We are discovering the most fundamental laws on which this universe runs. They are natural, agnostic to time and space and operate without exception. Therefore, it goes without saying that if we align our lifestyle, our “selves” to these laws, our life becomes the most exciting, blissful, enriching and fulfilling experience anyone can have.

These are the laws of Karma, as they are known in Yoga-Shastra, and so far, we have seen the following laws:

1.    As we sow, so shall we reap (the law  of action and  reaction)
2.    However, sometimes we get unpredictable results to our actions (“Gahana Karmano Gatih”). This is not because the first law is not operating but because we are unable to see the net effect of all the forces acting at that point in time and generally look at only our action which is but one force.

We now train our attention on yet another law. This law states “Kalenatmani Vindati” (it is just a matter of time before we reach our destination, i.e., attain infinite and eternal happiness).

This is the natural law of Evolution. Every living being on this planet goes through this cycle of evolution. We have no choice. Do we have choice when we grow young from the stage of infancy? Do we have choice when we grow old from young? Do we have choice that death will not follow birth? Likewise, we have no choice but to evolve. We have no choice but to progress. We have no choice but to reach our destination or attain “Nirvana”.

So what about people who sin? What about people who do activities that lead to worsening of health, destruction of their (and others’) happiness, decline rather than progress, suffering rather than prosperity? What about people who refuse, consciously or otherwise, to “throw the dice”??

We have discussed before the concept of “null hypothesis”. We have discussed before that these are the people who will eventually become disillusioned, undergo catharsis (“VishaadYoga”) and be propelled back on the path of evolution. We have seen how Arjuna suffered from “VishaadYoga” and could come out of its impact in a matter of hours as none other than Yogeshwar Krishna counselled him. However, for Valya the Robber, it took twelve years of meditation to become Sage Valmiki. It is just a matter of time!

What then is the role of Yoga? Why bother?

There are several reasons but let’s look at only a couple. First of all, Yoga acts as a catalyst in ensuring that we reach our destination sooner rather than later. Second of all, Yoga makes the entire journey exciting, blissful, enriching and fulfilling.

If one has to travel from Pune to Mumbai, one can choose to crawl on all fours. But there is also the option of taking a chartered flight! There is no choice as far as going to Mumbai is concerned. One can choose to travel in the opposite direction but the earth is round so it’s only a matter of time before the person arrives eventually in Mumbai!

So, as far as the destination is concerned, we do not have the choice! Now, as far as the mode of travel is concerned, do we have choice? This is a very valid yet subtle question the answer of which we shall park till our discussion of full-fledged “KarmaYoga” later on in this series.

For now, let us just remember the guideline that Lord Krishna has given in this regard:

Uddharet Atman Atmaanam Natmaanam Avasaadayet, Atmaiv Atmano Bandhu Atmaiv Ripu Atmanah

“One must keep progressing and attain the highest level of consciousness (happiness) through one’s own sincere, consistent and righteous effort. For one’s own self is either one’s best friend (if one strives for excellence) or the worst enemy (if one chooses to perform the wrong action).”

Why does it take longer time for some and shorter for others even though everyone may be striving with same sincerity at a point in time? Again, the law of Karma plays a role here as follows:

Imagine each one of us has a balance having two pans. One pan has some weight and let’s say we start adding weight little by little to the other pan. When will the other pan become heavier and go down? It depends on how much weight there is in the first pan to begin with and at what rate we are adding weight to the other pan! Will the balance tilt exactly at the same time for all of us? Certainly not! However, if we keep adding weight to the other pan (theoretically forever), will the balance eventually tilt? Decidedly!

So if we keep “throwing the dice”, it is just a matter of time before the balance tilts!


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