Monday, March 21, 2011

Yard [0063] : Inshallah!

Dear Friends,


We have been saying that everything happens as per God’s wish (God being nothing but ‘Brahman the Energy’ in action). In other words, nobody does anything by his or her own wish but they don't understand it. Hence Krishna said, "Ahamkar Vimoodh Atma, Karta Aham Iti Manyate" (A soul engrossed in illusion thinks he (or she) is the doer).Let’s see how.

We have discussed how He felt lonely, decided to become many and stage the drama of this world. How he wrote the script in terms of designing natural laws and deciding the path of evolution along which the whole story would unfold. How each character plays multiple roles in its tenure on the stage through several births and how the interplay among the roles and characters drives overall as well as individual progress.

Since each character (“Jeeva”) is engulfed in ignorance about its identity (remember Brahman has decided to forget it’self’ and started thinking it is the character), it has ego (“Ahamkara”) which is nothing but wrong notion of ‘self’.

It is this ego that each character thinks, feels, works and lives for. It gives rise to various desires called “Raaga” (“I want this”) and “Dwesha” (“I don’t want that”). The entire life is then spent in taking actions towards fulfilling series of these desires.

God’s wish manifests as the collective wish of all characters. If a character’s wish or desire is aligned with God’s wish, the same is fulfilled (i.e., actions taken by the character lead to the intended result). And the character feels happy!

On the other hand, when the character’s wish is against God’s wish, his or her actions do not yield the intended results and the character feels unhappy.

Therefore the best way of remaining perennially happy is to align our wish with God’s wish and God’s wish is that this ‘Show Must Go On’. Remember, for the Show to take place, He had said - "I will become many, I will forget myself, I will become imperfect" etc. And for this show to go on, He has assigned specific roles to the characters and He expects that these roles be performed. Therefore, if we perform our roles at all times, we play our character effectively and we progress and prosper.

When a character’s wish is fully merged into His wish (or the character has no separate wish of its own), all its actions (and their results) automatically align themselves to THE SCRIPT. Such character is then known as “Devataa” or deity. Some examples of Devataa are – Surya-Devataa, Vriksha-Devataa,Saint Dnyaneshwar etc. Sun continuously gives light, tree is always benevolent, Saints always work in larger interests... They Make the Show Go On.

On the other hand, if we do not play the roles, we suffer and cause others to suffer as well because we are trying to swim against the stream. Some (human) beings (again by His desire and design to make the drama more exciting) perform actions totally incongruent with the roles they are expected to play and threaten to disrupt the Show.

In such cases, just like someone from the audience intervening and straightening up a character who is threatening to disrupt the drama, He makes an appearance on the stage. This is known as “Avataar” or “Incarnation” (“Ava” means ‘downwards’, “Tara” is ‘travel’. So He “descends down” and straightens up the misbehaving characters and makes the Show go on. In this case, He assumes earthly form but is different from other Jeevas because by definition, Jeevas are the ones who “ascend” or “evolve” or “progress” from illusion or relative reality to absolute reality whereas He has descended to make the Show go on. We have seen earlier various forms He has descended in to ensure continuity of Life on planet Earth. Viz. aquatic (“Matsya”), amphibian (“Koorma”), mammal (“Varah”), half-human (“Nara-Simha”), human standing on hind legs (“Vaamana”), Homo Erectus (“Parshuram”), the civilized human being - Homo Sapien (“Rama”), the complete human being - Homo Sapien Sapien (Krishna) etc.).

Some people wrongly think that if God’s wish is the collective wish of all beings in this universe, it can be influenced/changed very easily because  everyone can think in a particular way to change the collective wish and hence God’s wish.This is tantamount to saying that puppets can act on their own and manipulate the puppeteer’s fingers and hence his wish and hence the drama that he wants enacted. It is also tantamount to saying that characters can decide the outcome of a drama rather than the author! Indeed, if He has designed some characters’ evolution path as such, the characters would truly believe this and try it out till they evolve and start seeing Reality for what it is!

Let’s now dig deeper into elements of God’s wish.

So long... 

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