Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yard [0062] : Lord Krishna And His Flute

Dear Friends,


This story is from Lord Krishna’s glorious days as a young leader of Vrindavana. His infatuating personality, His Yoga philosophy to make the most of Life, His superhuman feats had made Him the apple of everyone’s eye. He was particularly popular among the younger generation of womenfolk of Vrindavana (‘Gopi’s).

In fact, the fascination young Gopis had of Krishna had no bounds. Their only ambition in life was to win over Krishna’s love, make Him a life-partner and spend all their time in His company. When they were awake, they thought only about Him and when they slept, they dreamed His dreams.

In their effort to win Him over, they left no stone unturned. They openly expressed their wish, they competed with each other for His attention, they threw caution and shame to wind!

However, their effort bore no fruits. He was extremely cordial, civil, supporting, appreciative and gentlemanly towards them! However, none of the Gopis succeeded in having a stranglehold on Krishna that their obsession demanded.

After they were unable to see any light at the end of a long tunnel, they decided to collude instead of collide and figure out a solution together. Much as they brainstormed, the solution remained frustratingly elusive. However, one common observation did come out. They all unanimously agreed that His flute enjoyed the status that each one of them was yearning, nay living and dying, for!

He would never part from His flute. He took loving care of His flute. Whenever He found a spare moment, He would take out the flute and put it to its lips. The music that followed was heavenly!!

Gopis, in their desperation, decided that they would approach the flute on the rare occasion that Krishna was away from it and ask the secret behind the bonding Krishna had for it. The idea was – they too would follow suit and win Krishna over!

So here they were one fine morning, pleading the flute to share the secret with them.

The flute very quietly heard them out. When the agitated Gopis had finished their incoherent narration, there was a moment’s silence. Gopis were all ears now.

The flute smiled and said, “Thanks for thinking me fit enough to guide you in your noble initiative. It is with great pleasure that I am sharing with you what I think has led to Krishna’s affinity towards me. Because I think there can be no desire nobler than to win Him over. No effort is more worthwhile than the effort to please Him.  And there can be no help more sacred than the help provided in effort for fulfilling this desire!

“So here is my formula –

1.    Transform yourself to become useful

I was a mere bamboo shoot in a remote jungle when I was born. The life was not bad but I knew it would be infinitely better with the Lord. So I transformed myself and became capable of being used by Him. It was painful to say the least. I had my body sawed and chiselled. I had holes drilled into my body. I had it scrubbed and polished to remove the rough edges. And I becameready to be used.

2.    Let go of ego

If you observe me, I am hollow. I don’t carry any baggage that is not useful. If I were filled with ego, the air would not pass through me and I would become useless. I am neither overly proud of my ‘achievement’ that I transformed myself nor am I overly eager to go out of the way, disturb the flow of His activities and make my presence felt, prove to be useful, get all the attention.

I intuitively know that I have a role to play in His life, in His drama and my moment will come. He has not allowed me to get transformed for nothing!

Nothing ever happens without His express wish. It his by His wish that I have been born and got transformed. I render myself entirely to be used as per His wish.

3.    Go with the flow

So I remain very quiet. Egoless. Useful. Ready. Just waiting for my turn to perform in His script. When the time is right, He lovingly picks me up. Adoringly, He examines me. He sees that I am hollow and can allow the air that He will blow to pass through me. Once he confirms to Himself that I have completely surrendered unto Him, He puts me to His lips and starts creating music.

Again I have no doubt that the melodious music that gets created is His doing and I am just being His instrument. Naturally, I take no credit for the extraordinary quality of the music.

This, if any, is my three-point secret, O lovely Gopis!”


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