Monday, March 21, 2011

Yard [0077] : Brain Or Heart

Dear Friends,


How often we have heard the advice “Follow Your Heart”? Wise men also keep telling us to “Think before Acting”. These are different (sometimes conflicting) instructions. What do we do? Do we follow our brain or follow our heart?

Yoga-Shastra answers this question explicitly and unequivocally. The answer is “Both!” When we follow our heart, we do something we like and hence it is aligned with our Aptitude (“Guna-Dharma”). When we think and act, we are using our knowledge, experience and expertise and hence it is aligned with our Altitude (“Vishesh-Dharma”). In most cases, it is possible to do both and that’s exactly what Yoga-Shastra tells us to do! In fact, it goes a step further and tells us that there should be a third condition, viz. Larger Interests (“Samanya-Dharma”), that we must also satisfy and when we are able to act within these three considerations, we are following our “Swa-Dharma” or playing our “Role” to the hilt!

But what if there arise situations where there is a conflict between our brain and heart? When they are at war with each other? When what they suggest is diametrically opposite or mutually exclusive?

Yoga-Shastra is very clear as to how this conflict must be handled. When our brain and heart point us in opposite (or even different) directions, we must follow our brain over our heart!

Let’s see the rationale behind this dictat. As human beings, we possess three faculties, viz., our body, our mind and our intellect. Our body is the most gross of all our possessions. Our mind is more subtle than our body. However, intellect is the most subtle among all our faculties. And the natural law is – “Subtle rules over Gross”! Hence “mind over matter” but then by the same logic, “intellect over mind”!

Also our mind is the seat of our emotions and intellect is our decision making faculty. It is the job of our mind to experience Life in all its colours and glory. Similarly, it is the job of our intellect to ensure that at every step we take decisions based on our knowhow of this game called “Life” so that we always come out on top. It is best that every tool is used for what it is meant to do. We should use an axe for cutting and a hammer for hammering. Therefore we must use our intellect for making decisions and not let our mind (read heart) interfere in case of a conflict!!

In fact, Yoga-Shastra likens our entire persona to a master taking ride in a chariot. The simile unfolds as follows:

1.    Wooden parts of the chariot such as wheels, carriage etc. – these are our gross body parts such as hands, legs, torso, head etc.
2.    Five horses – these are our five senses, viz., eyes, nose, ears, skin and tongue. These horses literally “carry” the entire chariot with them.
3.    Reins – this is our mind. The horses are reined in, or in other words, mind which is more subtle than senses controls the horses which in turn carry the chariot with them wherever they go.
4.    Charioteer – our intellect or conscience is the charioteer. He must take firm control of the reins and use them to control the horses to take the chariot to its intended destination.
5.    Master – this is “us”. It is the real “I” of our persona. He does not do anything. He is just supposed to enjoy the ride sitting in the carriage of the chariot while the charioteer takes the chariot to its destination by reining in the horses.

What is the intended destination?  And when will the master enjoy the ride and reach the destination?

The intended destination is “infinite, eternal and irrevocable happiness”. The master can really enjoy the ride only if the chariot stays on track and relentlessly progresses to the destination. The chariot will stay on track only if the horses run in tandem with each other. The horses will run the course only if they are reined in properly through the reins. The reins can control the horses only if the charioteer is deft in his act of firmly holding the reins and using them to control the horses!

When we talk of evolution or progress, it is never the gross or material progress that takes us to our destination. It is always the evolution of the subtlest of the subtle. The intellect! Since subtle rules gross, the more refined our conscience becomes, the more calm it makes the mind and the more healthy and fit it makes the body!

When the conscience reaches perfection, it propels us towards our destination.

After all, it was only because “Krishna The Perfect” was the charioteer (and trusted counsellor, friend and advisor) that Arjuna won the Kurukshetra War!!!


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