Wednesday, August 17, 2011

YARD [0086] : The Story Of Yoga - II

Dear Friends,


In this discussion, we will continue the story of how Yoga-Shastra was born. We will pay close attention to Arjuna’s state before Yoga-Shastra was narrated to him by Lord Krishna and after. The drastic change in Arjuna’s state will highlight the complete transformation, revolution and evolution that was (and is) intended by Yoga at all levels; the very purpose with which it was brought into existence for assimilation into life by human beings.

We will analyse the story in terms of what exactly happened on Kurukshetra during those momentous hours when Krishna unfolded the entire Yoga-Shastra in its full glory to Arjuna. This analysis will help answer some questions around how Yoga is relevant in all times and geographies. How it is relevant in all physical, mental, intellectual and social states in our lives. What benefits we can hope to accrue from the same.

So let’s continue our story from where we have left it during the last discussion...

Upon seeing Arjuna’s plight, Krishna’s heart started overflowing with empathy. He started counselling Arjuna. He started answering his questions – one at a time and to Arjuna’s fullest satisfaction. He started removing Arjuna’s confusion – little by little. He started putting Life’s jig-saw puzzle together – piece after piece. He started choosing his words like an accomplished surgeon taking precise and deft cuts to free the patient of a chronic ailment. In the process, he started taking Arjuna on a journey through Yoga-Shastra!

Time ticked by, questions were raised and answers provided.  Arjuna played the devil’s advocate. Lord Krishna answered very patiently, exactly and benevolently.

Sanjaya, Kaurava’s observer and commentator, reported the dialogue verbatim for the benefit of Dhritarashtra, the blind Kaurava king who had specially appointed Sanjaya to be his eyes and ears while following the progress of the war.

The entire Yoga-Shastra unfolded across eighteen glorious chapters and seven hundred “shloka” (verses).

When one of the greatest counselling sessions conducted in the history of entire mankind got over, Arjuna admitted, “O Supreme Lord, my delusion is destroyed by your grace. I have realized the Absolute Truth. I have gained the most divine knowledge, knowledge about Self! My confusion has been completely dispelled by this knowledge like light banishes darkness. I am able to think clearly. I am able to see clearly. I am able to act with a clear conscience now.

“I cannot wait to pick up my dear “Gandeeva” once again. I cannot wait to fight this war and have Justice triumph. I cannot wait to obey you and put your teachings into practice – not only during this war but for the rest of my life! A zillion thanks for your grace, your empathy, your love and your care. I prostrate in front of you again and again. I offer you infinite salutations although I am aware they are nothing compared to what you have given me today. Thank you ever so much and now be so kind to resume your role as my charioteer and direct this chariot with same dexterity as you have shown in directing my life!!”

As we can see, Arjuna talking after gulping down the doctrines of Yoga-Shastra was a very different person compared to the one who was at his wits’ end before. The two personalities were poles apart. Obviously, Yoga-Shastra had made this difference. Now, what did Yoga-Shastra change?

Did Arjuna change physically? Apparently – yes; but really speaking – no! Although the body did stop sweating and swaying, the strength seemed to flow back and the chin was up, it was essentially the same body possessing same strength and skills of an archer. Arjuna did not exercise his body or take medicines or learn archery from Krishna; so the body remained the same and the skills (which were already phenomenal) were not enhanced.

Did Arjuna’s mind change? For sure. Earlier, Arjuna was not at peace. He was uncertain. He was grieving. He was emotionally unstable. After listening to Yoga-Shastra, his mind’s equilibrium was restored. He was once more his happy and confident self. He could focus! And this changed mindset triggered physical well-being that resulted in positive physical changes that we saw above.

However, peace of mind was also not the cause but just an effect. The effect of his intellect becoming clear. The effect of his conscience becoming clear. The effect of his thinking becoming clear.

And this is precisely what Krishna changed through his discourse. For He knew only too well that the root cause of the problem – or any problem whatsoever in the world for that matter; whether it is physical dis-ease or mental agony – is ignorance. The lack or misunderstanding of absolutely real knowledge or the knowledge of Absolute Reality!

So He attacked the root cause. He removed Arjuna’s ignorance. And lo and behold! Arjuna became invincible!


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