Wednesday, August 17, 2011

YARD [0091] : Life Is A Party

Dear Friends,


We have made a few more ground braking statements during the course of our discussions and they warrant an elaboration before we move on to the Yogic Routine.

We said we were neither our body nor our mind nor our intellect. We said we were THE Cosmic Energy (“Brahman” in Yoga jargon) who is essentially eternal, infinite, immortal, perfect and what is more, aware of itself! Therefore our only chance of becoming perfect(ly happy) is to recognize our true identity, the Absolute Truth, by removing the ignorance we have about who we really are.

Whilst this is a topic that takes a very long time to logically understand and far longer to internalize, we will take help of a story today to comprehend how this ignorance about our identity (more commonly known as “ego”) stands in our way and  does not allow us  to make the most of and thoroughly enjoy life.

The master once decided that he will throw a tea-party to all his students. “What is the occasion?” asked the students.

“To celebrate life!” was the enigmatic answer.

On the day of the party, students turned up in full strength. The party started. Students and the master started mingling – teacup in hand. Students had far outnumbered the master’s meagre resources and he had barely managed to assemble enough cups from various sources to make sure nobody went without a teacup.

Naturally, the cups were of different sizes, shapes and designs. While selecting their own cup, the students had made sure they got what in their view was the best available cup. Once everyone had their cup, they filled it with tea and started socializing. However, while doing so, they started comparing, consciously or otherwise, with cups in others’ hands. The comparison gave rise to various thoughts such as “my cup is better than his” or “why do I have to get the lousiest cup in the world?”

Our thoughts percolate into our speech and actions – again consciously or sub-consciously. Therefore, very soon, the comparison and the subsequent emotions started reflecting and affecting the entire gathering.

Realizing this, the master waved to everyone and attracted the attention of one and all.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I have an observation to make.” he declared.

The students stopped their chatter and started listening attentively to him.

“What have we gathered here for?” he asked.

The students were puzzled at this question.  “Why, for tea-party of course! To enjoy the tea in your company and in the company of other fellow students.”

“So has everyone got tea now?”

“Yes master.”

“Has everyone got the SAME tea?”

What kind of a question was this? Of course, they were all served tea from the same vessel.

“If that indeed is the case, pray why are you comparing your cups and feeling bad or good about it? The tea is the same and that’s what matters!”

It is said that it was from that point on that everybody truly got into the “mood” and the party became so memorable that it was discussed for years to come!

Our case is no different. We have got apparatus, viz. our body, mind and intellect, to contain and sustain our life. Admittedly, this set comes in such innumerable types that everybody’s ‘cup’ is unique!

However, the ‘tea’ within, viz. the life we have, is absolutely the same! And that’s what matters!

Life is a mechanism through which we can be conscious. Life is a mechanism through which we can experience. However, if we are not aware of our true identity and therefore train undue focus on the ‘cup’, we only become conscious of ‘our’ (read, the cup’s) imperfection and experience grief.

On the other hand, once we become aware of our true identity and therefore focus on the ‘tea’ within the cup, we become conscious of our perfection, our limitlessness, our immortality and experience nothing but pure and sheet happiness! The eternal, infinite, irrevocable and irreversible Happiness that we have always been longing for!!

No wonder we see enough examples all round us where people are not happy in spite of having every conceivable luxury in the world and some people always seem to enjoy and lead a fuller life although their possessions and assets may be nothing much to shout home about!

The conclusion, then, is this. There may exist a great variety and diversity among all living beings in terms of species, personality (body, mind and intellect), environment, country, religion,  gender, age, profession, social status, possessions, wealth, colour of the skin, strength, beauty, power or whatever other conceivable attribute – however, the life within us is the same. In fact we are all the same (Cosmic Energy).

In the final analysis, that is what matters!

And Life is a party!!

Come to the party!!!

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