Wednesday, August 17, 2011

YARD [0094] : Playing The Watchman - II

Dear Friends,


We concluded our last discussion by saying that for any business firm to prosper, nay, even survive, it must be actively guarded at all times.

The business firm is analogous to our mind. The people coming in and going out are analogous to the thoughts that continuously pass through our consciousness. Guess who is the Security Guard responsible for the safety of the firm? Us! Just like the Security Guard has technology and tools to help him protect the premises, we have our intellect!

If we use our intellect, watch and allow only right thoughts to enter our mind, they will do their job and lead to peace and prosperity.

Unfortunately, most of us do not watch our thoughts most of the time. We do not apprehend bad thoughts and banish them. We do not frisk bad thoughts disguised as good ones and prevent them from entering our mind’s premises. As a result, we end up leaving our mind, and hence our destiny, totally to the mercy of random thoughts. As a result, we sometimes end up being somewhat happy and sometimes very unhappy! We have no control. If we are lucky, we sail. Else, we sink.

It does not have to be this way. With some diligence and practise, we CAN control our thoughts. We SHOULD control our thoughts. We CAN and SHOULD shape our destiny.

There are two steps involved. First step is just to learn to watch our thoughts. Merely by taking this simple step, half the useless thoughts disappear. The traffic reduces. We feel light and energetic!

“Thoughts by nature are extremely shy

If you step out and just observe them

They will retreat and hasten to fly

Rather than creating unwanted mayhem”

But that does not solve the whole problem. Bad thoughts, disguised as good thoughts, are still likely to enter and maraud our mind-space. Hence sometimes active interception is required to examine and keep malevolent thoughts at bay.

We can learn this technique in these two steps. Firstly, we must learn to watch our thoughts. Secondly, we must learn to intervene and banish negative thoughts. But negative thoughts are extremely persistent! They come back with twice the force if whisked away!! What do we do then?

Simple! Replace a bad thought with a good thought. Usually, ‘Empty mind is Devil’s workshop’. So, don’t keep the mind empty! Engage it in some meaningful, fruitful thought and activity. Just like light banishes all darkness, a positive thought banishes all negative thoughts!

Easier said than done! That is where patience and practise is required. And with patience (“Vairagya”) and practice (“Abhyas”), nothing is impossible as per Lord Krishna!

And we can start with as much practice of this technique as possible. Whenever, wherever. To the best of our ability. The more we do it, the more beneficial it proves. Then it forms a positive spiral into which we get irrevocably drawn and positive thinking becomes second nature to us. That’s good enough! We have won the battle. We have achieved “Yoga”. For, there is nothing else to “Yoga”!!

What? Are we going crazy? Positive thinking is all there is to Yoga? What about the eight limbs? What about the major Yoga types? What about the pretzel positions and controlled breathing and the “Shut Karmas” (six observances) and the closing of eyes and meditation and the “Siddhi” (supernatural powers) and this, that and the other?

Well, let’s go back to basics. The most classical and correct definition of Yoga as coined by Sage Patanjali in a “Sutra” (formula) is “Yogah Chitta Vritti Nirodhah” (Yoga is cessation of disturbing thought ripples on the veritable pond of our consciousness).

What else is “Saakshi-Bhavana” (‘Playing the Watchman’) if not prevention of unwanted thoughts from entering into our consciousness?

We might tie ourselves in knots in our Asana practice, we might breathe in this particular way or that, we might lock ourselves into meditation halls trying to focus on “Brahman” (the Cosmic Energy) or we might literally be doing whatever else that is believed to be covered under the Yoga umbrella. However, if we do not know a thing about the importance thoughts have in moulding our life and how to control them, we are going to be as close to real Yoga as probably south pole is to north! Bold statement, but nevertheless true!!

Small wonder then that ‘Playing the Watchman’ constitutes the trademark, the cornerstone of ‘Yoga for All Round Development’ (YARD) programme!

So we have seen why we should play the watchman, what it is all about, how, where and when should we do it. Let’s also find out why it is one of the most powerful meditation techniques as well.

But for that, we will have to hold our breath till the next Tuesday!


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