Wednesday, August 17, 2011

YARD [0088] : In A Nutshell

Dear Friends,


What we have been discussing so far is only the tip of the iceberg. But the redeeming part is – we have pretty much covered the breadth of this science in the foregoing articles. Before we plunge into the depths now, it is prudent to quickly go over a summary of all that we have discussed.

What better way to cover the summary than to take the help of six of our best friends that open up goldmine of knowledge on any topic? These friends are the six questions, viz., “why”, “what”, “how”, “who”, “when” and “where”. Let’s take their help to look upon the ground we have already covered.

1.    Why Yoga?

The ultimate goal of every living being is to acquire infinite, eternal and irreversible happiness. Ignorance stands in the way of realizing that this happiness is already ours, in fact, we are that happiness! Whilst this ignorance is bound to get eradicated through the natural process of evolution, Yoga acts as the catalyst to make the journey faster and smoother.

It makes our body perfectly fit, mind perfectly calm and intellect completely purified so that our spirit can experience itself in its full glory. In other words, we can experience eternal, infinite and irrevocable bliss.

2.    What is Yoga?

Yogah Chitta Vritti Nirodhah”. Cessation of ripples on the veritable pond of our individual consciousness is Yoga. When intellect is purified, it calms our mind down permanently. This removes any distractions and disturbances that our individual consciousness (“Chitta”) gets subjected to as a result of the ignorance. This in turn makes our body fully healthy. This is because subtle rules gross and of the three faculties every human being possesses, intellect is the subtlest followed by mind and gross body.

When we have to reach any destination, we acquire the map of that place, figure out where we stand and chart out a route to the destination. Knowing Yoga theory (also known as “Brahma Vidya” or knowledge of Brahman the Cosmic Energy) and figuring out our position and route to the ultimate destination is known as “Vihangam Marga” (the aerial route of a bird to reach the top).

In this process, we study the laws and secrets of this Universe and Life through “Gyan Yoga”, learn how to surrender unto and align with the Absolute Reality through “Bhakti Yoga” and contemplate and chart out our route to the destination through “Karma Yoga” and the eight-limbed path of “Ashtanga Yoga”.

3.    How to integrate Yoga in our life?

The next thing to do is to start walking one step at a time towards our destination on the route charted out so we actually, physically reach the destination. Practising Yoga through every thought and action to get closer to and ultimately reach the destination is known as “Pipeelika Marga” (climbing one step at a time to reach the top).

In this process, we walk the Yoga talk on a moment to moment basis by integrating all aspects of “Ashtanga Yoga” and other major Yoga types such as “Karma Yoga” into our life, into our daily routine. We follow Lord Krishna’s advice and have appropriate (“Yukta”) diet (“Ahar”), lifestyle (“Vihar”), rest and recreation (“Cheshta”) and performance of our duty or responsibilities of the ‘roles’ assigned to us (“Karma”).

4.    Who is eligible to practise Yoga?

Each human being! Regardless of age, gender, physical state, emotional or intelligence quotient, country, religion, social status or any other criteria that differentiates one human being from another.

Each one of us is evolving all the time, no matter what. Each one of us is going towards our common ultimate destination. That’s the Design. That’s the Script! Hence each one of us has the right to make this journey faster, better and altogether more enjoyable!

5.    When to practise Yoga?

Whilst Yoga is to be practised at all times – even while sleeping (and we have seen how to make our sleep more qualitative in terms of yielding better results as far as resting and recuperating our faculties are concerned) – the two “Sandhi Kaal” (joining of the day and the night) during any 24 hours are typically best suited for a focused and dedicated Ashtanga Yoga practice.

6.    Where to practice Yoga?

Again, although, the simple answer is “Everywhere!”; we have seen certain  characteristics of the place – cleanliness, ventilation, light and quiet to name a few – that make Yoga practice fuller for the aspirants.

So this is the summary of everything that we have discussed so far! Now, the next step is to really start weaving these principles into our lifestyle. Because unless we taste we will not know what ‘sweet’ means. Unless we practise, we will not understand Yoga. Unless we experience, we will not know real bliss.

So, onto Yogic Routine next!


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