Wednesday, August 17, 2011

YARD [0093] : Playing The Watchman - I

Dear Friends,


We are looking at integrating basic Yoga principles in our daily routine. We discussed last time that the most important part of our routine is our thinking. We have seen the link between our thoughts -> our actions and speech -> the results -> the effect these results have on our body and mind -> how inextricably how we feel every moment (physically and mentally) is linked to how we experience and enjoy our life.

Therefore we concluded that if we have to lead a great life, we have to set the root cause, viz. our thoughts, right. We also saw what constitutes ‘right’ thinking. Simply put, whatever thoughts enable us to enjoy life by having benevolent effect on our mind and body are the ‘right’, ‘healthy’ or ‘happy’ thoughts. Positive thinking is called as such primarily because of the positive impact it has on self (Charity must begin at home!!!) and environment.

Now the stage is set to explore answer to the question – “How do we ensure that at all times and all places, we naturally think positively?”

The answer lies in a simple meditation technique we have alluded to before in passing, but will discuss now in much more detail. This technique is called as “Playing the Watchman” (“Saakshi Bhavana” in Yoga lingo). This technique is so vitally important to the entire Yoga for All Round Development (YARD) programme, that it can be treated as the YARD trademark! Just like “Sudarshan Kriya” in Sri Sri Ravishankarji’s “Art of Living” or “VishwaPrarthana” in Satguru Vamanrao Pai’s “Jeevan Vidya”.

So what is “Saakshi Bhavana”? How does it ensure that our thinking is always ‘right’? Why does it qualify as one of the meditation techniques? How to play the Watchman?

Before we answer the above questions, let us set the context by taking example of a firm or an organization that is transacting business on a day-to-day basis.

Let’s imagine for a moment that the firm has a huge building with infrastructure and equipment for employees to come in and perform different roles that lead to successful execution of that business. The stakeholders in that business are examined at the main gate by the Security Guards before being let in. The building has Closed Circuit TV for surveillance. It’s a secure environment that enables the right people to operate freely and perform their jobs to keep the business going and growing. Very normal!

Now let’s stretch our imagination to conjure up an abnormal scenario where the security is totally absent! No guards, no CCTV, nobody to watch, question, apprehend! What will happen to the business? Will it be able to run securely? Will it be able to prosper? The obvious answer is a resounding “No”!

If there is no one at the main gate, all sorts of people will stream in and out at will. Some of them will be workers with the right intentions, some of them will be just curious onlookers, some of them will have decidedly bad intentions! In the worst case, they will maraud the place, they will damage property, they will potentially steal valuables, they will do what not! Even in the best case, there will be just too many of them cluttering the place for the do-gooders to transact their business.

Now let’s imagine that the business management figures out that there is a problem here and vow they will fix it. As a result, they bring in a guard and station him at the main gate. Round the clock.

What will happen now? By merely placing the guard at the main gate – even though the guard may be completely passive - half the traffic will reduce! The second effect will be – the mix of people coming in will also improve. The percentage of employees coming in to do their jobs will increase. The percentage of mere onlookers will decrease. The percentage of people coming in with malevolent intentions will positively decrease.

Will this solve the problem entirely? Not if the guard at the gate remains passive. He must act once in a while. He must watch like a hawk, he must frisk, he must question.  He must use tools and technology at his disposal to*ensure* safety and security of the place! Otherwise bad guys will come in disguised as good ones and still create havoc. And the main gate must be guarded round-the-clock. Else thieves are smart! They will figure out in no time when the gate is left unguarded and sneak in exactly then!

In conclusion, we can say that for the business firm to prosper, nay, even survive, it MUST be actively guarded at all times!

Having set this context, now we go on to answer the questions we raised during this discussion.

Till the next Tuesday...

1 comment:

  1. Dear Vandanaji, thank you for sharing such good material and guidance. I would like to use some of it in my own teaching and hope that you will be happy with this. Warm regards, Satish
